Category: Pentecost

Communion Music for Manuals, Set 2 (Charles E. Callahan Jr.)

Composed by Charles E. Callahan Jr. (1951-). Communion Setting. Catholic Year A Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Pentecost, Ash Wednesday. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.10-828)….

Be Still (David Evans)

Composed by David Evans. Arranged by C. J. Adams. Quick Study Chorals. General, Holy Spirit, Pentecost. Octavo. 4 pages. Published by Hope Publishing – Digital (H1.C57926DP)….

The Church Pianist’s Library, Vol. 10 (N)

Sacred, Eastertide, General, Holy Communion, Holy Week, Lent, Pentecost. Lorenz Publishing Company #70/1782L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company (LO.70-1782L)….

Holy Spirit, Come (Lloyd Larson)

Composed by Lloyd Larson. Harold Flammer. Pentecost, Sacred, General Worship. Octavo. 12 pages. Published by Harold Flammer Music (HL.35031903)….

Jesus Is the Living Stone – Performance/Accompaniment CD (Mary McDonald)

Composed by Mary McDonald. Choral. Sacred Anthem, General, Pentecost, Reformation. Performance/accompaniment CD. Lorenz Publishing Company #99/2674L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company (LO.99-2674L)….

Living Voice of the Gospel: The Hymns of Martin Luther (J. S. Bach, Johann Christoph Bach, Michael Burkhardt, Johann Neinrich Buttstedt, Dietrich Buxtehude, Johann Eramus Kindermann, Johann Ludwig Krebs, Felix Mendelssohn, Johann Pachelbel, Samuel Scheidt, Matthias Weckmann)

Composed by J. S. Bach, Johann Christoph Bach, Michael Burkhardt, Johann Neinrich Buttstedt, Dietrich Buxtehude, Johann Eramus Kindermann, Johann Ludwig Krebs, Felix Mendelssohn, Johann Pachelbel, Samuel Scheidt, Matthias Weckmann. Arranged by Michael Burkhardt. Non Hymn-Based, Classical Transcription. Advent, Christmas, Easter, Lent, Passion/Palm Sunday, Pentecost, Reformation, 21st Century, Prayer. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.10-683)….

Gentle Voice (Lee Dengler, Susan Naus Dengler)

Composed by Lee Dengler, Susan Naus Dengler. Harold Flammer. Communion, Pentecost, Lent. Octavo. 12 pages. Published by Harold Flammer Music (HL.35029223)….

Spirit of Comfort, Spirit of Hope (David Angerman, Douglas Nolan)

Composed by David Angerman, Douglas Nolan. Harold Flammer. Pentecost, Sacred, Church Anniversary. Octavo. 12 pages. Published by Harold Flammer Music (HL.35029317)….

Rushing Wind, Dancing Flame (Matthew H. Corl)

Composed by Matthew H. Corl. Catholic Year A Pentecost Sunday…

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, Traditional)

Composed by Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, Traditional. Arranged by James Koerts. Glory Sound Celebration. Revival, Pentecost, Praise and Worship, Lent, Easter, General Worship. CD only. Published by Glory Sound (HL.35027572)….