Category: Lent

Be Thou My Vision (Traditional Irish Hymn)

Composed by Traditional Irish Hymn. Arranged by Dan Forrest. Brookfield Choral Series. Hymn, Anthem, General Worship, Sacred, Lent. 8 pages. Published by Brookfield Press (HL.8745013)….

A Closer Walk with Thee (Stan Pethel)

Just a Closer Walk with Thee/Trust and Obey. Composed by Stan Pethel. Choral. Sacred Anthem, All Saints’ Day, Discipleship, General, Lent. Octavo. Lorenz Publishing Company #10/4155L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company (LO.10-4155L)….

O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High (Lloyd Larson)

Composed by Lloyd Larson. Choral. Sacred Anthem, Holy Week, Lent. Octavo. Lorenz Publishing Company #10/4961L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company (LO.10-4961L)….

Crown Him with Many Crowns – 2-octave handbell choir (Matthew Bridges, Godfrey Thring)

Composed by Matthew Bridges, Godfrey Thring. Arranged by Samuel Stokes. Christian, Sacred, General Worship, Easter, Lent. 3 pages. Published by (S0.194235)….

The Complete Organist, Vol. 2 (Carson Cooman)

Composed by Carson Cooman (1982-). Sacred, Advent, All Saints’ Day, Ascension, Christmas, Eastertide, Epiphany, General, Holy Communion, Holy Week, Lent, Missions, New Year, Pentecost, Patriotic, Reformation, Thanksgiving. Lorenz Publishing Company #70/2013L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company (LO.70-2013L)….

The Old Rugged Cross – for 2-octave handbell choir (George Bennard)

Composed by George Bennard. Arranged by Samuel Stokes. Christian, Sacred, General Worship, Easter, Lent. 4 pages. Published by (S0.304667)….

The Art of Hymn Playing: 250 Introductions, Preludes, Free Accompaniments, & Alternate Harmonizations 2nd Edition (Charles E. Callahan Jr.)

Composed by Charles E. Callahan Jr. (1951-). This edition: 2nd edition. Accompaniments/Intros, Minimal Pedal Organ, Organ Service Music. Catholic Year A Pentecost Sunday. Ascension, Reformation, Lent, Easter, Passion/Palm Sunday, Trinity, Christmas, Ash Wednesday. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.10-597)….

I Will Rise (N)

Choral. Sacred Anthem, Eastertide, General, Lent. Octavo. Lorenz Publishing Company #10/4732L. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company (LO.10-4732L)….

Take My Life and Let It Be (Henri A. Cesar Malan)

Composed by Henri A. Cesar Malan. Arranged by Melody Shipley. Christian, Sacred, General Worship, Lent, Graduation. Score, Set of Parts. 8 pages. Published by Melody Shipley (S0.328816)….

What Wondrous Love (Robert Scholz)

Composed by Robert Scholz. Catholic Year A Holy Thursday…