Category: Instructional

Pepperbox Jazz, Book 1 (Elissa Milne)

A Vibrant Collection of Original Pieces for Piano. Composed by Elissa Milne. Piano Collection…

Theory Notebook Complete (John Brimhall)

Composed by John Brimhall. Paperback. Instructional, Method. Book. 112 pages. Published by Santorella Publications (SP.M465)….

Piano Student, Level 1 (N)

Level 1. Method/Instruction…

Another 90 Days to Sight Reading Success (Stan McGill/H. Morris Stevens, Jr.)

A Singer’s Resource for Competitive Sight-Singing. Composed by Stan McGill/H. Morris Stevens, Jr. Choral, Sight-Reading, Instructional. Book & CD. Published by Alliance Music Publications (AN.AMC-2013)….

John W. Schaum Piano Course, E: The Violet Book (John W. Schaum)

E — The Violet Book. Composed by John W. Schaum. Method/Instruction…

Piano Theory, Primer (N)

Primer (A Programmed Text). Method/Instruction…

The Sassmannshaus Tradition: Early Start on the Violin, Volume 3 (Egon Sassmannshaus, Kurt Sassmannshaus)

Elementary duets: Dances and other pieces in various keys. Composed by Egon Sassmannshaus, Kurt Sassmannshaus. Stapled. Barenreiter’s Sassmannshaus. Instructional. Method book. With Text language: English. 71 pages. Baerenreiter Verlag #BA09678. Published by Baerenreiter Verlag (BA.BA09678)….

Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Recital Book, Book 5 (N)


Fifty Studies for the Piano (Jean Baptiste Cramer)

Piano Solo. Composed by Jean Baptiste Cramer. Edited by von Bulow. Piano Method. Instructional, Method and Classical. Collection. With standard notation, fingerings and introductory text (does not include words to the songs). 120 pages. G. Schirmer #LB827. Published by G. Schirmer (HL.50256510)….

Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Recital Book, Book 1A (Willard A. Palmer)
